These are unsolicited testimonials we have received from clients:
Thank you for updating our business website.
I appreciate all of your hard work. And your fast service.
Thank you Larry -
It is so nice to have a working website. Your help is very appreciated.
Best wishes,
We have gotten so many compliments on the website. It really looks sharp.
Thanks so much.
Larry, It has been a pleasure working with you on our new website. Thank you for making it so easy for us to maintain! When we have questions or need assistance we can always count on a solution from you in a timely manner.
Leigh Ann Bailey, Triangle Realtors Staunton, VA
Multiple comments from one client at different times:
Thanks for all your help and suggestions. This is well organized and looks sharp.
I love the home page. You did a wonderful job.
WOW, we love it. It looks sharp.
We have had a lot of people comment on our site and how well they like it.
Thanks again.
Larry, just wanted to mention that I recently visited the website of the Greater Augusta Chamber. Wow! I commend you on the great re-design job you did for the organization.
Mike Adamo
Editor and Publisher
Crossroads Business Magazine
[This is the response to the first draft of a site redesign]
That is awesome. It is exactly what I would want.
Yay! Thanks, Larry. It's amazing how quickly you work! Looks great! ...
Hi Larry,
...Thanks for all you do. I have gotten some great comments on the site lately.
Thank you so much. I'm very pleased with the design & content of the web page.
Testimonial from Andreas Keuchel, Photographer - Germany:
I'm really glad that I met Larry Heine and Mountain View Product Marketing over the Internet. The
project was to redesign my German-English photographer website from scratch, using the latest
software, tools, and standards. Even with the time zones and the language differences, Larry was able to understand my
wishlist, he responded many times to all my questions, it was a pleasure for me to work with him. I
learn a lot about web design and such. I strongly recommend Larry Heine and Mountain View Product
Marketing for any web purposes.
South River Farm is doing well.
Thanks to your website we have sold 13 goats in the last week to 2 buyers. ...
Whatever you did or recommended really worked. Thanks again. I didn't know what I was going to do if I didn't get rid of some of my 42 goats. We had a very successful kidding season and have 17 little ones hopping around. ...
Thank you for a great web-site year! You have made it easy for me and I really appreciate it. It is a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to the years to come.
Crystal Fleming
Casual Friday Boutique
Dear Larry:
I really appreciate how Mountain View Product Marketing has dramatically improved my CROSSROADS BUSINESS Magazine website.
I especially like the way you organized all of the site components, conveyed the information in an easy to navigate format and the fast turnaround time you provided.
As a publisher of print media only; your ideas for transitioning my content to the web not only made sense, they worked, because of your execution.
Now, I'm confident in referring prospects to my website and promoting my site in the magazine, something I would not do prior to working with you.
You have my recommendation at any time.
Very truly yours,
Mike Adamo
Owner, Publisher
Hey Larry-
Hope you're doing well. I was just searching for mattresses in harrisonburg and came across one of your sites... It has a #1 google ranking. Nice job!
Anyway, have a happy holidays.
I took a look at it and thought it was well organized, easy to negotiate, user friendly and pleasant to the eye. Well done !!!
I found your website and found it extremely easy to navigate, which is why you are the first place I have sent an e-mail. ...
Hi Mary,
I like your website very much. It is YOU. It is also simply done, easy to navigate, interesting, and logical. I spend a fair amount of time each day at work navigating all sorts of websites, and some are so cluttered that they invite people to flee. Others are extremely hard to understand in terms of finding exactly what one is looking for. Your site is uncluttered, goes directly to the product, gives enough information, and wastes no time getting the person to the correct topic.
As for the visual identify of the home page, I really like it quite a bit. It is easy to navigate, pleasing to the eye and the black and silver combo is beautiful.